The Principles of Jurisprudence
A one-day intensive study of the 7 underlying principles of Fiqh: Darurah, Haajah, Umoom Balwa, Urf, Ta'amul, Maslahah and Mafsadah with a leading scholar from the Indian Subcontinent.
Living with Quran
Join us at the House of Wisdom for an online seminar, where we’ll discuss how to apply Quranic teachings in daily life, strengthening our connection with the Quran and guiding our actions for a purpose-driven, Quran-centered lifestyle.
Gathering of Praise | Dala'il al-Khayrat
Join us in the blessed month of Rabi' for a complete recital of the revered book of praise, Dalail al-Khayrat, followed by a shadhili hadra with Shaykh Mufti Wajid Iqbal & Munshids.
The Cost of Faith
A discourse on believers at end times and fortifying one’s faith with Shaykh Sjaad Hussain
Being Muslimah
Join us for an insightful evening at The House of Wisdom with Shaykha Noshin Gul discussing what it means to be a woman of faith and how you can emulate the great women of the past.
Islam, Identity & Institutions
Listen to Shaykh Asrar deliver a masterclass on the relationships between Islam, Identity & Institutions and how Muslims should navigate the world around them.